23rd August 2012

The chart has no less than ten new entries, with DJ Antoine featuring The Beat Shakers, Matt Houston and Die Toten Hosen appearing straight at the first three places of the chart. The best climbers include French artists Shaka Ponk, 1995 and Orelsan, as well as hip-hop trio De La Soul.

IMPALA Executive chair Helen Smith commented: “Being able to include new entries and best climbers adds a new dimension to our charts and is something we will feature from now on.” And Jean Littolff, Managing Director or Nielsen Music in Europe added “Radio is one of the most effective method of finding an audience, it is great to see so many independent artists exposed this way and Nielsen Music is proud to create this visibility”. 

Spotify Players…


These airplay charts are part of IMPALA’s bid to promote the brand of European independent music. This project, for the first time ever, monitors the success of independent music with dedicated pan-European charts. Produced by Nielsen Music as official charts provider for IMPALA, these charts bring increased coverage of independent artists’ successes, addressing both the requirements of the business for information and consumers’ needs for awareness and exposure. Putting a spotlight on the artists’ work and the labels that make it happen benefits the whole industry.

About Nielsen Music

Nielsen Music is the measurement reference of the music industry, and the market data and research partner of choice for the music sector. Our locally based teams of research and music experts across Europe bring the best set of comprehensive, robust and quality insights to our music clients. Nielsen Music data allows the industry to access, understand and interrogate radio and music television airplay, digital download sales, internet behaviours and consumer generated media (buzz), complete advertising information and significant global consumer and ad-hoc research capabilities.
Nielsen Music is successfully working with more than 500 clients representing all elements of the music chain: record companies/music labels (majors and independents), radio and TV stations, music publishers, performing right organisations, artists and their management, digital media and services, mobile phone companies, retailers, the video game/gaming industry, consultancy firms, and the media. Nielsen Music ( is a part of Nielsen (, the leading global market research company.


IMPALA was established in April 2000 to represent independent music companies. 99% of Europe’s music companies are SMEs. Known as the “independents”, they are world leaders in terms of innovation and discovering new music and artists – they produce more than 80% of all new releases. SME’s also produce 80% of Europe’s jobs. Their potential is enormous but is hampered by complex barriers to trade and severe market access problems.

IMPALA has its own award schemes to help promote cultural diversity and new talent and highlight the artistic contribution of independent music. IMPALA award winning artists include Efterklang, Adele, Radiohead, Arctic Monkeys, Carla Bruni, Manu Chao, Corneille, Katie Melua, Franz Ferdinand, The Prodigy, Placebo and Ibrahim Ferrer (Buena Vista Social Club).

More press information

Didier Gosset, 

Tel: +32 2 503 31 38

Helena Kosinski, International Marketing Manager Nielsen Music

Tel: +44 (0)20 7420 9296

IMPALA – Independent Music Companies Association

Rue des Deux Eglises 37-39, 1000, Brussels, BELGIUM

+32 2 503 31 38